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(好书)Topics in Current Chemistry--Stereoselective Alkene Synthesis [复制链接]

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(好书)Topics in Current Chemistry--Stereoselective Alkene Synthesis
The stereoselective synthesis of olefins has been one of the major topics in the arenaof organic synthesis for many decades. The methods for olefin synthesis haveevolved from classic elimination reactions to more modern methods such as theWittig reaction and its variants, cross-coupling reactions and olefin metathesis.Numerous reviews are available on these topics. The purpose of this special volumeis to cover the most recent advances in this ever-growing field, with a focus onstereocontrol in C=C double formation.Two chapters in this volume highlight the recent development of the widely usedmethods for olefin synthesis, namely Wittig reactions (Chapter 7) and olefinmetathesis (Chapter 6). For olefin metathesis, the focus is put on its applicationsin complex natural product synthesis. Owing to the importance of introducingfluorine atoms to organic molecules, the methods for the stereoselective synthesisof monofluoroalkenes have been summarized in Chapter 3. 1,3-Dienes, as a specialtype of olefin, widely exist in natural products, and also find various applications inorganic synthesis. Therefore, stereoselective synthesis of 1,3-dienes is consideredas an important part of olefin synthesis. This is also included in this special volume(Chapter 4).Stereoselective synthesis of tetrasubstituted alkenes remains a challenging task.A unique solution to this problem is to use torquoselectivity-controlled olefina-tion of carbonyl compounds with ynolates, which is summarized in Chapter 1.In general, the stereoselective synthesis ofZ-alkenes, which are thermodynamicallyless favorable, is more difficult than the synthesis of correspondingE-isomers.In Chapter 2, various methods for stereoselective synthesis ofZ-alkenes arereviewed. Finally, the C=C double bond formation through catalytic carbene trans-formation has recently emerged as a new approach toward olefin synthesis. Twochapters covering olefin synthesis based on catalytic carbene transformations areincluded (Chapter 5 and Chapter 8) .Having read all the chapters, I hope that readers are left with the notionthat stereoselective olefin synthesis is still a rapidly growing area with constantemergence of novel synthetic methods.

I would like to thank Prof. Henry N. C. Wong for his encouragement andsupport, Karin Bartsch and Elizabeth Hawkins for their assistance in the wholeprocess. I would also like to thank the referees for their invaluable comments andsuggestions. Finally, this book would not have been possible without the partici-pation of the authors, to whom I am deeply indebted for their enduring patiencethroughout this project.

Beijing, June 8, 2012

Jianbo Wang


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